It is summer and of course we all want to look as fit and good as possible.
However, losing weight isn’t always easy, especially in summer. Festivals, barbecues, drinks on the terrace – hidden calories are lurking everywhere. Enjoying the summer is important, but if you are working towards a certain goal, it is crucial to be aware of the hidden calories you are ingesting unnoticed. Think of the olive oil you bake your steak in or drizzle over your salad, or the drinks you drink on the terrace with friends. Even small amounts of these can contain a lot of calories.

Eating healthy doesn’t always mean eating what you need to reach or maintain your goal. For instance, the following meals and products contain way more calories than you might think.

Let’s start with the most obvious one; alcohol. A drink here, a drink there – especially in the summer full of festivals and terraces. We often drink without thinking about it. Cocktails are particularly popular in the summer. Refreshing, deliciously sweet and look
nice too. But some cocktails like a Pina Colada or Long Island Iced Tea can contain 600-700 calories! Have a few of these, and you can see how quickly it adds up. So what might be better options? For example, a vodka soda or a glass of Champagne, 95 kcal. If you still crave a mixed drink or cocktail, make them yourself with light products.

Perhaps less obvious to some people: salads. A salad is great in summer, nice and light and refreshing. But be aware: there can be quite a few calories in a salad. Think of bacon, rich in fat and salt, and the dressing, which is often high in sugar and fat. Also avocado, nuts, cheese, etc. even though healthy, tend to be high in calories as well. And don’t forget olive oil: one tablespoon already contains 90 calories. So try to choose one or the other, instead of including everything.

Meal replacement shakes
Shakes are sometimes taken as meal replacements, but be careful: they are often high in sugar and lack essential vitamins and minerals that you get from real food. Additionally, they will never provide the same feeling of fullness as a real meal.

Healthy snacks
Muesli and protein bars, as well as high-protein drinks, are popular healthy snack options. Although better than a bar of chocolate or a bag of crisps, they often contain hidden sugars and calories. So what are healthy snacks to take on the go or during a cosy lunch in the park? The QNT protein bars we sell are a good option, as well as the Barebells bars and Body and Fit smartbars. Besides, of course, any kind of vegetables are always a great choice. Hummus is a fairly high-calorie dip, but Albert Heijn now offers a new line; Terra, which includes delicious vegetable dips that are low in calories. Additionally, the brand Proper offers popcorn and chips options that are relatively low in calories.

Fruit is healthy, full of vitamins and fibre, but you can eat too much of this too. The body doesn’t distinguish between fruit sugar and regular sugar. Both sugars are converted into carbohydrates and calories. It’s also a bit of common sense; the sweetest fruit, such as pineapple, contains more calories than an apple or kiwi. So for your health, aim to eat mainly two pieces of fruit a day! But if you go to the park and eat pineapple, mango, strawberries and so on all day between other food, the calories can add up quickly.

Last but not least
A varied diet is the most important thing. Avoiding certain foods is not the way to achieve your goal. We all need the same nutrients and calories to function, although in different amounts. So try to consume everything in moderation and sometimes choose alternative options.

Find a balance between enjoying life and making responsible choices to develop a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain in the long term. Our trainers are always happy to help you with that, good luck!

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